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Monthly Archives: January 2025

Bloating, flatulence, and frequent farting can be solved

Farting is caused by flatulence. In addition to eating, it can also be caused by everyday behaviors, such as swallowing air (Aerophagia). What causes bloating? Flatulence is caused by excessive gas in the intestines. The body must then release the gas through the intestinesby farting

Prebiotics: People who don’t eat vegetables need to know

Probiotics or Prebiotics You may have heard the terms probiotics and prebiotics before. The names may sound similar, but they are actually not the same. Prebiotics: People who don’t eat vegetables need to know What are prebiotics? In our digestive tract, there are beneficial microorganisms,

How to take paracetamol safely

When in pain or with a fever, the first medicine that most people think of is paracetamol. This is because it effectively relieves mild pain, such as a headache or toothache, and can also reduce fever from a cold or flu. Most people can take paracetamol without